Monday, May 16, 2011

Bullet is BIT & Page is LAUNCHED

I did it! NO going back now! I have made my Facebook Page LIVE!!! Arrrrggghhh!!! What was I thinking?? Oh well....

The Handmade Expo is on Saturday in Ipswich so I am busily attempting to sew up some extra items, not fun with eisteddfod & a child who is still unwell (nothing like working under pressure to keep you  motivated!). Any things I have left over will go straight into my "Items for Sale Folder."

So just a short (but sweet??) post to let you know that its really all happening better get back to business & get that machine buzzing!!

You can find my Facebook page HERE - or through the link on the left of my blog

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Countdown to the Handmade Expo

So, I haven't blogged anything for nearly a month! Slacko? Yep but been super busy! (excuses maybe..)
But anyway, we were away at Maryborough over Easter singing at the Qld Eisteddfod (next year its in Ipswich!)
We were in so much & everyone did so well. We as the Toowoomba Choral Society should be very proud of our hard work & effort. Thanks must also go to our awesome conductors Martin & Nerida and our super talented accompanist Anne! We could never do it without you!
Ok so am waffling. My FaceBook page still isn't ready (now that IS slack!!) so am still working on that - hopefully it will be ready before Christmas.....hahaha....which Christmas..??? But anyways, on the 21st of May, myself & 2 friends are off to the Hand Made Expo in Ipswich. Super excited & SUPER nervous. Means we have to be up at some ridiculous time in the morning to get down there in time to set up & be ready to start at 8am (gah!! not looking forward to that!!) But anyways, we are looking forward to the experience & praying that the weather will be nice.

Remember to check out my friend's pages on FaceBook: Bloomin' Baby Buds & Personalised Gifts and Hannah's Photography. You won't be disappointed!

So this is what's coming up. Also, TOTALLY unrelated to my blog & stuff, The Toowoomba Choral Society also has a combined concert coming up with the Blackstone-Ipswich Cambrian Choir - so that will be exciting!