Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Where have I been....????

So......I have been totally inactive on my blog & in my sewing hobby for over 3 months....SLACKO!!

Well.....not really.....in this time I have studied, passed another 2 subjects towards my degree, been in a musical, got away for a week's holiday, somehow managed to start a casual job & my next 2 subjects. Have also organised and held a 2nd birthday party for my son....so just life in general really.

I have decided not to do any study over the summer semester so FINGERS crossed I can get back into the swing of things & get some more craftiness happening as soon as this semester finishes in approximately 5 weeks (yikes thats WAY TOO CLOSE!!!) ! Its really bad when so much creativity is flying around in your head when you should be doing other things (such as an assignment that is due this FRIDAY!!!)

So on that note, I just wanted to let people know I am still alive.....just not doing much that I really want to be doing....