Thursday, October 6, 2011

What's coming up.....

Well I have LESS than 2 weeks till my exams....arrrrgghhh!! But on the PLUS side of this, it means I will be able to get back into my sewing & craft again.

I have just joined a group of WAHMs on Facebook and we are going to have a Market Night on Sunday the 27th November (time TBA). It's all pretty exciting! We will each be providing 2 items for the market and there will be a HUUUUUUGE range of items. I haven't yet decided what I will have....whether I will provide something I already have in stock or something else that's in the pipeline.

Talking about what's in the pipeline, I uploaded a few Sneaky Peek pics to my Facebook page - so head on over and have a look.

Until then, keep your eyes glued to the newly set up WAHM Delights page for further info on the market night!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Where have I been....????

So......I have been totally inactive on my blog & in my sewing hobby for over 3 months....SLACKO!!

Well.....not this time I have studied, passed another 2 subjects towards my degree, been in a musical, got away for a week's holiday, somehow managed to start a casual job & my next 2 subjects. Have also organised and held a 2nd birthday party for my just life in general really.

I have decided not to do any study over the summer semester so FINGERS crossed I can get back into the swing of things & get some more craftiness happening as soon as this semester finishes in approximately 5 weeks (yikes thats WAY TOO CLOSE!!!) ! Its really bad when so much creativity is flying around in your head when you should be doing other things (such as an assignment that is due this FRIDAY!!!)

So on that note, I just wanted to let people know I am still alive.....just not doing much that I really want to be doing....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Quick update.....

Well things are at a bit of a standstill at the moment exams are very fast approaching (yuk!!) with my 1st one in just over a week & the 2nd on the night (yes that's right - 6pm at night!) after the Queen's Bday Holiday. And just before the expo, my sewing machine AND overlocker both decided that they were overworked & I have a HEAP of sewing left unfinished (including changemat covers, tie high chairs & trolley covers...)

We had a blast at the Handmade Expo in Ipswich on the 21st - with Hannah's Photography & Bloomin' Baby Buds & Personalised Gifts - $$ wise it was a bit disappointing but we had fun & there is SO MUCH to see & buy so we will DEFINITELY be going back - hopefully with some extras on our stall (not for a few months though unfortunately due to other commitments). So I highly recommend that if you are in South East Qld, you should make time to visit them - they are generally on the 3rd Sat of every month - but its on the 4th Sat this month (25th June) because of the Queen's B'day long weekend - and are open 8am-2pm rain, hail or shine! Follow my link above to their Blog or their Facebook Page.

We have a few new things in the pipeline & they will hopefully be released soon & we will possibly be having a stall at the Queen's Park Craft Markets in Toowoomba at some stage. So keep an eye on the Blog & also on my facebook page.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Bullet is BIT & Page is LAUNCHED

I did it! NO going back now! I have made my Facebook Page LIVE!!! Arrrrggghhh!!! What was I thinking?? Oh well....

The Handmade Expo is on Saturday in Ipswich so I am busily attempting to sew up some extra items, not fun with eisteddfod & a child who is still unwell (nothing like working under pressure to keep you  motivated!). Any things I have left over will go straight into my "Items for Sale Folder."

So just a short (but sweet??) post to let you know that its really all happening better get back to business & get that machine buzzing!!

You can find my Facebook page HERE - or through the link on the left of my blog

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Countdown to the Handmade Expo

So, I haven't blogged anything for nearly a month! Slacko? Yep but been super busy! (excuses maybe..)
But anyway, we were away at Maryborough over Easter singing at the Qld Eisteddfod (next year its in Ipswich!)
We were in so much & everyone did so well. We as the Toowoomba Choral Society should be very proud of our hard work & effort. Thanks must also go to our awesome conductors Martin & Nerida and our super talented accompanist Anne! We could never do it without you!
Ok so am waffling. My FaceBook page still isn't ready (now that IS slack!!) so am still working on that - hopefully it will be ready before Christmas.....hahaha....which Christmas..??? But anyways, on the 21st of May, myself & 2 friends are off to the Hand Made Expo in Ipswich. Super excited & SUPER nervous. Means we have to be up at some ridiculous time in the morning to get down there in time to set up & be ready to start at 8am (gah!! not looking forward to that!!) But anyways, we are looking forward to the experience & praying that the weather will be nice.

Remember to check out my friend's pages on FaceBook: Bloomin' Baby Buds & Personalised Gifts and Hannah's Photography. You won't be disappointed!

So this is what's coming up. Also, TOTALLY unrelated to my blog & stuff, The Toowoomba Choral Society also has a combined concert coming up with the Blackstone-Ipswich Cambrian Choir - so that will be exciting!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Getting Closer........

Feels like its taking forever!! GAH!!! But am neeeeeeaaarlllly there......
Maybe the 1st of May is a great date to aim for....Easter will be ridiculously hectic with the Qld Eisteddfod & I have uni assignments looming in the background.......this is when I start to think.....what was I thinking?!?!?! LOL

Anyways.....I have another couple of piccies to share with this short (but sweet??) post....

This is a little rattle/ tag toy giraffe. It is made of beautiful soft minky & all the little tags have been double stitched for durability & safety. There is an enclosed rattle inside.

My Trolley covers have extra long sides for extended coverage & the extra long back is also a velcro closing bag.

The cover also features a built in lap belt & a belt at the back to then attach to the trolley.

There are also toy loops on the front & an inside pocket (these arent shown on this picture)

So these are just a few more of my offerings. The items I will have for sale will not be exactly as these shown but you will be able to view them shortly on my "almost complete" Facebook Page.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Life & all that Jazz!!

So.....its amazing how a well thought out plan & good intentions just get pushed to the side when life gets in the way.....

Yep....that's the story of my life since the last post - LOL. My husband has been unwell over the last number of weeks & then last week my little boy got his first ear infection (pretty good for a 19mth old!) so this meant no kindy & mummy got absolutely NOTHING done. (But, you get that when you have kiddies :)

I did however get finished a cuddle blanket for the beautiful little girl of a close friend, so have attached a few piccies. My friend herself has also been SUPER busy launching her own little personalised gifts business. You can find her on Facebook: Bloomin' Baby Buds & Personalised Gifts

Well here are the pics. These too will be for sale (although maybe not the exact fabric combinations). Hope you like!

So this is a pic of the "Top side of the Blanket". Its made with purple dot minky & is OH SO soft!! As you can see from the ruler in the pic, the finished size is about 38cm x 38cm.

 The underside of the blanket is a cotton jersey interlock& it has cotton velour knots for bubby to chew on. The blanket has been overlocked together, the knots & label then double stitched. Then the blanket has been turned & topstitched.

A close up of the Interlock fabric. Cute fairies, butterflies, flowers, trees & stars.

A close up of the velour knots.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sneaky Peak....

So I promised some sneak peaks of what's to come.....

Well here is a first look.

These are Minky Baby Blankets backed in Baby Corduroy & measure a GENEROUS 100cm x 100cm!

I hate the fact that the little blankets I was given when my son was born are so tiny & really don't cover him much anymore.  This is one that I made for a good friend for her recent baby shower so the ones I am making now may be slightly different fabrics, but still the same idea!

I will back some with corduroy & others with jersey.

Now I just have to finalise my price....

What do people think? Would love to know.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Planning Mums

Well yesterday I got together with a couple of close friends for a nice little "business" chat over coffee & cake. One of these lovely ladies has been running her affordable family photography hobby business now for about 8 months & is really enjoying herself. (You can visit her Facebook Page -Hannah's Photography- or her Website -Strong Family Photography). She has been a great inspiration to the other 2 of us who are slowly getting our act together, & we are truly appreciative of her encouragement & support.

The 3 of us made the decision that we are going to try & make our first public appearance in May at The Handmade Expo - a market held once a month in Ipswich showcasing ONLY handmade items. Why May? Well the March one is on this weekend (just a weeee bit too soon...) & the April one is the weekend before Easter (and as we are singing at the Qld Eisteddfod in Maryborough...we will be a tad busy....) so May it is!! Pretty exciting!!

My other friend is also at about the same stage of setting up as I am keep an eye peeled for a her business selling customised baby bouquets, nappy cakes & candles for all occasions among other things.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Almost ready to Launch!!

Well this is the first time I have EVER had a BLOG & honestly, I'm pretty excited! Any "seasoned" bloggers out there please feel free to give me tips on what you like to see/ hear/ know (& maybe how it all works...)    :)

As the title says, I am almost ready to launch Mama Blossom via my facebook page (please see the link to the left although as it's not quite ready, the page is still to be published on FB but wanted to be prepared!). I will only have a few items in the store to start with as I slowly build up my inventory. I could always wait to have a HEAP of stuff (as I love to be prepared & have a plan) BUT  I am also a great procrastinator (a bit of a paradox really...) So, I really needed to just bite the bullet & do it! hehehe (the balance of plan & prepare vs procrastination has changed immensely since the birth of my son in late 2009...unfortunately procrastination wins out most times now :P )

So maybe a bit about me to start with. I live in South East Qld (approx 1.5hrs west of Brisbane), am married (3 years) & have a beautiful little boy (born late 2009) so he keeps us on our toes! Hubby & I met at The Toowoomba Choral Society (where we sing in 2 different choirs). I am currently studying (externally) for a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) & basically have 12mths to go BUT this will probably take 2 years so that I don't burn myself out (I started this degree part way through 2004 & have taken 1.5yrs off in total over that time, so when I finally finish it will be a VERY joyous occasion!). My husband is self employed (Ezy Construct steel buildings/ sheds - hmmm....another site thats partly finished LOL) so I am responsible for all his book work, BAS etc. But like many SAHM mums I have nothing better to do with my time (pffft yeah right!!) so I thought why not add something else crazy to my already packed & hectic schedule! I love anything arty & crafty, cardmaking, scrapbooking etc,  and think handmade gifts can sometimes be WAY better than store bought ones. I have given many of these over time & people often say "you should sell these." So I thought, why not? I don't really have anything to lose. I will make things I enjoy making, & if they don't sell, I will give them as gifts or donate them to charity :)

As I previously wrote I will start off with only a few things & go from there. As this is a bit of a hobby at the moment, I'm not sure how involved I want this to get at this point in time. There will be some scope for customisation but not too much to start with....

So....that's about it for the moment. I will be adding a few "sneak peaks" over the coming couple of weeks & will announce when it's all systems go! And maybe...just maybe....I will have an opening surprise.....